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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory
Henning Sirringhaus awarded Royal Society Research Professorship

We are delighted to report that Henning Sirringhaus has been awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship, the Royal Society’s premier research award.  These prestigious appointments provide long-term support for internationally recognised scientists of exceptional accomplishments.  Henning's project is entitled: Nanoscale characterisation of charge and heat transport across interfaces in novel, molecular thermoelectric materials.  The award citation reads:

'He is working on thermoelectric materials and thermal energy harvesting that can help minimise the “scandalous” energy wastage associated with unused heat emitted by many residential, industrial and transport processes.

Globally, around two-thirds of primary energy is wasted as heat. While this can be utilised by heat engines in some situations, such as power stations, it remains challenging to harvest “low grade” heat at temperatures below 300-400 °C. This Professorship project aims to achieve a better understanding of charge and heat transport on molecular (50-100 nm) length scales and to develop a new generation of materials for converting thermal energy into electricity that can make significant contributions to reduction of carbon emissions.'

