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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory

Teaching and Consultative Committees

The Department has two committees to plan and oversee teaching.

Teaching Committee

The Teaching Committee consists of about a dozen staff, and is chaired by the Director of Undergraduate Teaching. The TC is responsible for all aspects of undergraduate teaching provision in the Department. It meets typically three times a term, for about three hours. Agenda and minutes are posted on the web. Note that the "public" minutes may have been edited to remove personal information on individual students, and do not appear until following the meeting at which they are formally approved.

The agenda and minutes are available only from within the @cam domain

The Staff-Student Consultative Committee

The Consultative Committee consists of one or more student representatives from each of the year-groups, plus the Chairman, the Chairman and Secretary of the Teaching Committee, and the Head of Department. It meets formally on the Thursday morning following the end of lectures each term and informally mid-term in Michaelmas and Lent term. The student representatives receive the feedback forms on individual courses, and report a summary of the responses at the meeting.  The committee also considers the numerical feedback on each course, and may raise matters of general concern, which can then be taken up by the Teaching Committee if appropriate. The minutes of the CC are posted on the web soon after each meeting.

NST Committees

All Physics courses are part of the Natural Sciences Tripos. The overall management of the Tripos is devolved to the NST Management Committee. The Management Committee is responsible for day-to-day administration, and for all aspects of examinations and assessment.