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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory

The IB Physics A and B courses run in parallel and students wishing to proceed to Part II physics will normally take both of them. This is referred to as 'double physics'. The Physics A course is a self-contained course in Waves, Quantum Mechanics, and the wave properties of condensed matter, while the Physics B course covers the main areas of classical physics -- Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics and Dynamics. Both courses contain a practical component and a dedicated Research Skills module. Physics A contains a course on Experimental methods and Physics B also continues on from IA in introducing scientific programming in Python. 

Either course can be taken on its own, and this can lead onto Half Subject Physics in Part II Physical Sciences but does not lead to Part II Physics.
Students taking both courses normally combine them with one other IB subject. This third subject is usually NST IB Mathematics for those who are strongly committed to Physics and have coped well with Part IA Mathematics for NST. The selection of another experimental subject gives greater choice of Part II/III courses. Common choices of the third subject are Materials Science, one of the Chemistry courses, Geology, Biochemistry, and History and Philosophy of Science.

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