Quantum Sensors : Staff
The Quantum Sensor Group (QS) operates a major facility for investigating, manufacturing and testing a new generation of superconducting detectors and sensors for astrophysics and the applied sciences. Much of the work relates to large-format superconducting cameras and receivers for millimetre-wave, submillimetre-wave and far-infrared wavelengths.
The Group runs one of the most advanced fabrication facilities worldwide for superconducting microcircuits, and explores the limits of quantum detection and sensing. Topics include:
- Heat flow and thermal fluctuation noise in low-dimensional structures at 100mK
- Non-equilibrium superconductivity through above-gap and sub-gap photon and phonon excitation
- Partially coherent optics and electromagnetism
- Detector materials science, mesoscopic device processing, and quantum measurement techniques
- Transition Edge Sensors, Kinetic Inductance Detectors, >1THz SIS mixers, SQUIDs, and quantum Q bits.
- Energy Absorption Interferometry for measuring coherent phenomena in energy absorbing structures
The Group works with many international agencies, and under an ESA contract is currently developing 200-20 micron ultra-low-noise imaging arrays for the Japanese cooled-aperture space telescope SPICA.
- Detector Technology
- Facilities
Image Credit: Quantum Sensors Group