Microelectronics : Group Website : Staff
Members of the Microelectronics Group (ME) investigate electron spin physics in nanoscale electronic devices. Ultra-sensitive electrical measurement techniques, both at low-frequency and microwave frequencies, are applied for sample characterisation. The group aims to explore both classical and quantum effects in spintronics that are relevant for future technologies.
There is close collaboration with the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory (HCL), established in 1989 as an ‘embedded Laboratory’ within the Cavendish. The aim is to create new concepts for advanced electronic/optoelectronic devices. The HCL specialises in advanced measurement and characterisation techniques, while the ME Group specialises in nanofabrication techniques. The main collaborative research topics include:
Single Electron Devices and Nanoelectronics
Quantum Information Processing
Spin transport in carbon-based, organic semiconductors
- Nanospintronics
- Quantum Information Processing
- Spin transport in carbon-based, organic semiconductors
Image & Credit: Polished YIG spheres are high quality magnon cavities, Microelectronics Group