This series of colloquia in the Cavendish Laboratory aims to cover all aspects of modern quantum many-body physics. It is broadly aligned with our research themes on Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Fundamental Physics of Quantum Matter, Applied Quantum Physics and Devices, Synthetic Quantum Systems, Quantum Information and Control, and Energy Materials
As such, it features talks on both fundamental many-body physics as well as their exploitation in devices, covering all aspects of quantum phenomena in condensed matter and synthetic many-body systems, and their theoretical description.
The aim for these colloquia is to be accessible to a wider audience compared to a typical group seminar, and everyone is most welcome to attend them!
Click below to see details of the upcoming and previous talks. Please check this page regularly to keep informed as speakers are confirmed and details of their talks are added to the list.
Upcoming talks:
Title: To be confirmed.
Venue: Small Lecture Theatre
Abstract: To be confirmed.
Title: To be confirmed.
Venue: Small Lecture Theatre
Abstract: To be confirmed.
Title: To be confirmed.
Venue: Small Lecture Theatre
Abstract: To be confirmed.
Title: To be confirmed.
Venue: Small Lecture Theatre
Abstract: To be confirmed.
- 14 June 2023 @16:00: Prof Joel Moore (UC Berkeley)
- 31 May 2023 @16:00: Prof Steve Kivelson (Stanford University)
- 17 May 2023 @16:00: Prof Seamus Davis (University of Oxford, University College Cork, Cornell University)
- 11 October 2023; 16:00: Prof Shivaji Sondhi (University of Oxford)
- 26 October 2023; 16:00: Prof Immanuel Bloch (Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, LMU)
- 8 November 2023; 16:00: Prof Mehran Kardar (MIT)
- 15 November 2023; 16:00: Prof Eugene Demler (ETH Zürich)
- 17 January 2024; 16:00: Prof Ian Walmsley FRS (Imperial College London)
- 31 January 2024; 16:00: Prof Werner Krauth (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, University of Oxford)
- 13 Feb 2024; 16:00: Prof Paolo Radaelli (University of Oxford)
- 28 February 2024; 16:00: Prof Bilge Yildiz (MIT)
- 13 March 2024; 16:00: Prof Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences)
- 1 May 2024; 16:00: Prof Claudia Felser(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids)
- 15 May 2024;16:00: Prof Jean Dalibard (Collège de France, Kaster Brossel Laboratory)
- 22 May 2024;16:00: Prof Monika Schleier-Smith
- 5 June 2024; 16:00: Prof. Peter Abbamonte (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)