Nanophotonics : Group Website : Staff
In Nanophotonics, new materials are constructed in which atoms are arranged in sophisticated ways on the nanometre-scale. The NanoPhotonics Group (NP) is one of the most recent groups in the Cavendish and is part of the EPSRC-funded UK NanoPhotonics Portfolio in Cambridge. Research conducted at the Laboratory includes:
- Nano-plasmonics
- Polymer photonic crystals
- Semiconductor Microcavities
- MetaMaterials
- Nano - Self Assembly
Assembling nano-chunks of matter into sophisticated structures creates nano-materials with emergent properties not found in their constituents, but is a major technological challenge. One of our goals is moving from expensive fabrication of devices to elegant nano-assembly in which materials ‘build themselves’.
This convergence of NanoScience/NanoTechnology with Photonics is highly interdisciplinary across all Physical Sciences and beyond, including NanoScience, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Healthcare, Materials as well as Physics.
- Elastic Photonic Crystals
- Nano-Plasmonic Surfaces
- Semiconductor Microcavities
Image and Credit: Biomimetics, Nanophotonic Group