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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory


The Electron Microscopy Suite has a wide range of electron microscopes, including a high-resolution SEM (FEI FEG XL30), a 200kV TEM (FEI Tecnai 20), a 100 kV STEM (VG HB501 with EELS) and three environmental SEMs (an Electroscan 2020, a field emission FEI XL30 ESEM and a FEI Dualbeam Quanta 3D).

The suite is a user facility for staff and students in Physics and other departments and is also available for consultancy and contract work.

Current research interests include:
Environmental STEM imaging
FIB nano and micro fabrication
Ion and electron beam assisted deposition
Residual stress analysis
Soft material imaging


For further details, please see the Electron Microscopy Suite web site.