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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory
Read more at: Breaking Barriers: Athene Donald's Advocacy for Women in STEM

Breaking Barriers: Athene Donald's Advocacy for Women in STEM

#AnniversaryStory Professor Dame Athene Donald is a retired Cavendish professor of Experimental Physics, former Gender Equality Champion for the University of Cambridge and former Master of Churchill. She’s also a first of many things: first female lecturer in the Cavendish, first female professor in any of Cambridge’s...

Read more at: Kapitsa’s Crocodile
Kapitsa’s Crocodile

Kapitsa’s Crocodile

#AnniversaryStory If you are at the Old Cavendish on Free School Lane, you may have seen the above image of a crocodile. But did you know that it could have been made after a joke? Nicknamed Kapitsa’s crocodile, after Nobel Laureate and leading Soviet physicist Pyotr Kapitsa, its origin has been tracked to the much-loved...

Read more at: Nora Sidgwick at the Cavendish Laboratory
Nora Sidgwick at the Cavendish Laboratory

Nora Sidgwick at the Cavendish Laboratory

#AnniversaryStory The ‘rogues’ gallery’ of graduate students in the Cavendish Laboratory from 1897 onwards is a popular display for alumni and visitors, who enjoy seeing themselves, their colleagues and lecturers as they were in their younger days. Questions are often asked about the women in the photographs. It should be...

Read more at: Cavendish looks back at its golfing history!
Cavendish looks back at its golfing history

Cavendish looks back at its golfing history!

#AnniversaryStory We all know how illustrious Rutherford was as a scientist, but did you know he played golf every Sunday? Cavendish has a rich history of sports enthusiasts and here we look at this photo from 1929, of Rutherford and friends after their weekly game of golf at Gog Magog (South Cambridge). Rutherford was...

Read more at: Books from our researchers: Space Oddities
Book cover for Space Oddities next to a portrait of Harry Cliff, on a bright yellow background.

Books from our researchers: Space Oddities

In Space Oddities , Cavendish particle physicist Harry Cliff tells the story of the anomalies that have lit up the physics world in the past few years, and asks: are they just cruel tricks of the data, or the keys to a new view of the universe? Something strange is going on in the cosmos. Scientists are uncovering a...

Read more at: Interview series by Tara Murphy: Professor Sian E Dutton
Sian Dutton

Interview series by Tara Murphy: Professor Sian E Dutton

This blog is part of an interview series by Tara Murphy. tara.png I’m Tara, a NanoDTC student here at the Cavendish Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Since arriving here last year, I’ve come to realise the exceptional work being carried out by the brilliant women at the Cavendish Laboratory and I think it’s...

Read more at: Skills for Life: a journey of apprentices in Physics
From left to right: Oliwia Zawadska, Scott Dell, Abbie Lowe and Tom Sharp

Skills for Life: a journey of apprentices in Physics

At the Cavendish Laboratory, apprenticeships are not just about learning the ropes; they are about fostering the next generation of brilliant technicians to support and assist physics research while offering them a springboard for a rewarding career. The Department’s apprenticeship programme is designed to provide a hands-...

Read more at: Exploring the Universe and Boosting Your Wi-Fi - The SKA Connection
SKA-Low - wide angle artist impression (composite)

Exploring the Universe and Boosting Your Wi-Fi - The SKA Connection

In our rapidly evolving world, where smartphones, 5G networks, Wi-Fi, and satellite communications have become integral to our daily lives, the behind-the-scenes technology is often overlooked. One project, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), is making waves not just in unlocking the secrets of the universe but is also...

Read more at: National award for Cavendish apprentice Oliwia Zawadzka
Oliwia Zawadzka receiving her award certificate

National award for Cavendish apprentice Oliwia Zawadzka

Many congratulations to our Reseach Laboratory Apprentice Oliwia Zawadzka for her recent win at the CSR Community award 2023. Oliwia received this national award in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the community by raising awareness of apprenticeships and inspiring others, through her talks at our recent...

Read more at: The ‘Invisible Glass’ Legacy of Katharine Burr Blodgett
Katharine Burr Blodgett

The ‘Invisible Glass’ Legacy of Katharine Burr Blodgett

In a historic photograph from 1926, amidst a distinguished group of scientists at Cavendish Laboratory, sits Katharine Blodgett, a trailblazer in the world of physics. This image encapsulates her unique place in history as the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in Physics from Cavendish Laboratory in 1926 – the degree had only...