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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory

How collective, macroscopically observable behaviour emerges from interacting quantum systems is a core theme of physics that continues to produce surprising phenomena and new insights. The classic example of this type of phenomenon is superconductivity, classically associated with the pairing of electrons through interactions mediated by the lattice of the material. But this is only the simplest form of what is referred to as strongly correlated electrons - many other such couplings can take place. These phenomena have the potential to lead to the discovery of new phases of matter which ultimately make their way into applications - for example, the realisation of room temperature superconductivity would have an extraordinary impact upon society at large. The discovery of qualitatively new phenomena involves the study of matter under very extreme conditions, which then inform the design of practical materials for the benefit of society.

Research areas:

  • New coherent quantum phenomena
  • Ultra-cold atomic physics
  • Theory of quantum many-body systems
  • Characterisation of complex functional materials