I am an experimental particle physicist and part of the Cavendish High Energy Physics Group. I have been a member of the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) Collaboration since 2014. My predominant research interests involve searching for, and measuring CP violation (a violation of the symmetry between matter and anti-matter) in B meson decays using data from the LHCb experiment at CERN. These measurements provide a powerful and precise test of the Standard Model and are sensitive to New Physics (NP) particles at extremely high energy scales.
I am the holder of an STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship for the project "Getting a flavour for New Physics with precision measurements of tree-level beauty decays" which predominantly exploits LHCb data to better constraint the CKM unitarity triangle angle γ.
I also hold an ERC Starter Grant for the "KstarKstar" project (underwritten by the UKRI Frontier Research Guarantee) which studies charmless B → VV decays in order to extract information on CP violating quantities. This funds two of the PhD students and two of the post-docs in my group.
I did my PhD (2010-2014) at Imperial College London on the Higgs decay to two photons, H → γγ, at the CMS experiment, under the supervision of Paul Dauncey.
A full list (over 630 published in journals as of 27/04/23) can be found at inspire-hep.
Teaching and Supervisions
- Graduate lectures in Flavour Physics
- Part III project assessor
- Statistics for Data Intensive Science (major course on the MPhil in Data Intensive Science)
PhD Students:
- Francesca Swystun (2022-2026) - "Analysis of B 0 → ρ0K *0 decays at LHCb"
- Matthew Monk (2021-2025) - "Measurements of B 0 → K *0K *0 decays at LHCb"
- Aidan Wiederhold (2020-2024) - "Measurement of CKM angle γ with B 0 → D 0K +π − decays at LHCb"
- Blaise Delaney (2017-2022) - "Search for the Bc → D 0μν decay and measurement of Vub / Vcb at LHCb"
Part-III and MPhys students:
- George Hallett and Wiktor Gondek (2023) - "Inclusive Flavour Tagging at LHCb"
- Trennesh Sivakumaar and Lawrence Gilfrin (2022) - "Inclusive flavour tagging for event selection at LHCb"
- Ryan Firmin and Luke Grazette (2021) - "Studies of B 0 → K *0K *0 decays at LHCb"
- Aidan Weiderhold and Nick Latham (2020) - "Combining Beauty and Charm datasets at LHCb"
- Rizwaan Mohammed (2019)- "Combining Beauty and Charm datasets at LHCb"
- Matthew Kingston (2018) - "Measuring the production fraction of Bc mesons at LHCb"
Other Professional Activities
- Chief Scientific Officer for APTIM-Solutions
- Scientific Advisor on the Netflix show "Three Body Problem"
- Member and Author of the Particle Data Group (2019 - )
- LHCb Flavour Tagging Group Convener (2023 - )
- LHCb UK Physics Coordinator (2020 - 2022)
- LHCb Statistics and Machine Learning Group Convener (2020 - 2022)
- LHCb Beauty to Open Charm Group Convener (2017 - 2019)
- Member and Author of the Heavy Flavour Averaging Group (2016 - )