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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory


I am a quantum information scientist and leader of the Quantum Engineering Group. I study experimental and theoretical aspects of solid-state spins and photons. I develop systems, tools, and protocols with hybrid physical components that enable a fundamental understanding of the interaction of few and many quantum objects, with an eye to the development of quantum computing, communication, and simulation technologies.

I hold a Royal Society University Research Fellowship on "Quantum interface engineering with solid-state spins and photons" and a UKRI New Investigator Award on "Deterministic quantum gate between photons in a next-generation light-matter interface". I lead the QuantERA consortium MEEDGARD on “Memory-enhanced entanglement distribution with gallium arsenide quantum dots”. 

My previous positions include an Associate Professorship of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford with a Tutorial Fellowship at Balliol College (2022-2023) and a Junior Research Fellowship at St John’s College in Cambridge (2017-2021). I completed my PhD at the MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms in 2016.


Key publications: 

Please find my publications at:

Teaching and Supervisions

  • Part III assessor
  • General Physics examiner
Research supervision: 

Please find a list of my current and past group members at:

Other Professional Activities

  • Solid-State Defects sub-group leader for the Materials for Quantum Network (M4QN)
  • Reviewer for the Physical Review, Nature Publishing Group, and Science
  • Member of the Institute of Physics
  • Technical and Investment Consulting for the private quantum technology sector


Associate Professor of Quantum Technologies
Head of the Quantum Engineering Group
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Colour portrait of Dorian Gangloff

Contact Details