Eloy de Lera Acedo, PhD'10, is an Associate Professor at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, UK. Dr de Lera Acedo is the head of the Radio Astronomy and Cosmology research group within Cavendish Astrophysics. He leads development activities at Cambridge for the upcoming SKA radio telescope and sits on the Executive Board of the HERA experiment . He is the international PI of the REACH telescope and the CosmoCube space mission, both aiming at the detection and study of the redshifted 21-cm line from the infant Universe (Dark Ages, Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Re-ionization).
Dr de Lera Acedo's research interests include the study of the early universe, at the time when the first celestial objects were formed (Dark Ages, Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Re-ionization) via observations of the redshifted 21-cm line from hydrogen. Dr de Lera Acedo has as well an interest in the development of technology and techniques for radioastronomy and ultra fast digital communications, with a special focus on electromagnetic theory, technology and numerical methods.
Links to publication repositories for Dr de Lera Acedo’s work: Google scholar, ResearchGate, ORCID
Teaching and Supervisions
MPhil in Data Intensive Science - module leader and lecturer
Head of class Part IA Physics Laboratory