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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory

Tuesday 11th July 2000: 09:30 - Committee Room

  1. MMA of 99-00/6 (already circulated)
    • Examination marks database (post mortem -- SFG).
    • Part III Examples Class.
    • Class staffing/examiners 2000-1
    • Teaching Loads (final statistics)
  2. Year Groups
    Matters arising from recent meetings.
  3. Examinations
    Matters arising from examiners' reports and from the 6/7/00 Staff Meeting.
  4. Course Handbook
    Status of Course Handbook (VG); changed course synopses (distributed at previous meeting).
  5. Teaching Committee 2000-1
    Membership and responsibilities.
    TC programme of work for 2000-1.
  6. AOB
    Date of next TC meeting(s)