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Department of Physics

The Cavendish Laboratory

We are pleased to announce that the Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology has made the following awards to members of the Cavendish Laboratory:-

  • Dr Diana Fusco, lecturer in the Biological & Soft Systems sector, has been awarded a Pump Priming Grant, jointly with Somenath Bakshi (Engineering) for research into "Superresolution imaging of microbial biofilms using tunable synthetic genetic oscillators". The Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology - Pump Priming Grants is an annual scheme aimed at generating new collaborations between early career research teams with complementary expertise, this way promoting multidisciplinary research in the field of physical biology in the University of Cambridge.
  • Dr Alexander Ohmann, a research associate in the Nanophotonics Centre, has been awarded a 2020 PhD Prize for "innovative research at the intersection between biological, physical and/or mathematical sciences" for his research in "Outperforming nature with a lipid-flipping enzyme built from DNA".

You can find further information on the Cambridge Centre for Physical Biology websites:-
